Thursday, 12 January 2012


IT- IT is an abbreviation and it means Information Technology, This refers to a whole industry. Information Technology is the use of computers and using software. IT Skills is the things that you can do on a computer and also when you know how to use a computer and can use it confidently.

Interpersonal Skills- Interpersonal skills are also known as people skills and it is when you are listening to someone and the tone of voice that you use to speak. An interpersonal skill is how well you communicate or interact with other people.

Social Context- Social context is a term used to refer to how something is used or interpreted by people. For example if someone was to say “Well done” then you would know if they were being sarcastic or not by the tone of their voice.

Verbal Communication- Verbal communication is when you communicate with someone by talking to them. This could happen in person or over the telephone because you can still hear their voice

Non-Verbal Communication- Non-Verbal communication is when you communicate with someone by using another form of communication that isn’t talking to them (verbal). For example texting someone using your mobile or writing to them on a social network website.

Attributes- An attribute is a quality or a feature of someone that could make them more unique. Attributes define the characteristics or qualities of a person.

Self-Motivation- Self-motivation is having the desire to finish a task or reach a goal/target that you have set for yourself. Self-motivation gives you the ability to do what needs to be done without influence from other people.

Attitudes- An attitude is the frame of mind you are in when you’re in work for example are you confident? Are you organized? And are you prepared?

Barriers of Communication- Barriers of communication is something that stops people from communicating with eachother

Slang- Slang is a type of language that consists of words and phrases that are regarded as very informal and are more common in speech than writing.

Commitment- Commitment is an attitude and if you are committed in work then you will try everything within your power to get your work done on time and make sure that it is done properly.

Miscommunication- Miscommunication is when there is a lack of clear or adequate communication between groups of people so it is hard to understand them.


Q1: What are the main attributes that employers seem to be seeking in a prospective employee?

Answer: The main attributes that employers are looking for will vary depending on the job for example if you are going for a job that includes finances you would need good numeracy skills.

Q2: How can I overcome communication barriers?

Answer: It depends which barrier of communication you are trying to overcome for example You can reduce the barriers of verbal communication if you try and speak slower, You can also reduce the barriers of verbal communication when speaking to someone with a disability by using sign language or writing a message on a piece of paper and To avoid miscommunication and reduce the barriers of non verbal communication you should try to avoid typing slang words.

Q3: What are the main barriers of communication?

Answer: The main barriers of communication are language barriers, disabilities and social context.

Q4: What attitudes would be the most useful in the workplace?

Answer: The attitudes that would be the most useful in the workplace are self motivation because you will enjoy work more, Confidence because you will be confident in your ability to complete tasks and commitment because you will try your best to have everything done for the deadline.

Q5: Why is language a barrier if one of the people knows it as a second language?

Answer: Language is a barrier if one of them knows it as a second language because they might not know or understand every word so you will have to explain it to them or try to physically show them what you mean and there may not be enough time.

Q6: Why do employers value attitudes so much is a prospective employee?

Answer: Employers value attitudes because they would rather employ someone that is prepared, organized and confident instead of someone that acts as if they don’t want to even be there.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Mechanisms That Can Reduce Barriers of Communication

You can reduce the barriers of verbal communication if you try and speak slower and more clearly so that there is a better chance of people understanding you. You should also try to avoid slang when you are talking to people because not everyone will understand you or know what you are saying. You can also avoid miscommunication when you are speaking to someone who speaks another language by using an interpreter or sometimes you can use hand gestures instead unless you want to speak to them in detail. You should also try and keep eye contact with everyone that you speak to so they don’t get sidetracked and stop listening to you. Another thing you shouldn’t do is overload the person you are talking to with information because then that will result in them forgetting some of the conversation which may be something that you wanted them to do or remember.

You can also reduce the barriers of verbal communication when speaking to someone with a disability by using sign language or writing a message on a piece of paper if they or deaf or by speaking slowly and clearly to someone who is blind or has impaired vision. There is a lot of other disabilities that people have which means when you are talking to them you will have to change the way you communicate with for example you may have to speak slower to some people and when trying to communicate with others you might need to use text or images to communicate. If you communicate using text or images you shouldn’t use too many bright colours so that they can understand everything properly. There is also people that have disabilities who cannot speak which means that you will be the one that will need to read what they write.

Non Verbal Communication
To avoid miscommunication and reduce the barriers of non verbal communication you should try to avoid typing slang words are typing using abbreviated word for example saying ‘wer’ instead of ‘were’. You should also try and not use sarcasm when you are communicating with someone using text because it is very hard to tell if people are being sarcastic or not because you cannot see their facial expressions or hear their tone of voice. Make sure that the text is in a clear font and also make sure that the colour of the text stands out on the colour of the background. If you are writing to someone abroad for example America then they will spell certain words differently than others for example they spell ‘colour’ like ‘color’ so you may need to try and spell things like the way they would to avoid confusion. People who use sign language may also need to be a bit slower because some people might not have good eyesight so it would be harder for them to see what signs you are using.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Barriers of Communication

In this part of the assignment I will give three examples of communication barriers and explain how they stop people from communicating with each other.
One type of communication barrier could be the languages that the two people speak. They could be different nationalities and not speak the same language for example if you saw someone from another country and you asked them directions they might not understand you because they might only speak a small amount of English or none at all. Other barriers of communication are sign language, abbreviated text and slang.
This communication barrier would affect people from communicating with each other because for example someone who is deaf wouldn’t be able to socialize with as much people as others would because not everyone knows sign language and wouldn’t be able to communicate with him. Other disabilities that could affect communication could be if someone was blind because when people usually speak the other person is also lip reading them which is why some conversations over the phone are hard to understand. Blind people will still be able to hear you but you might have to repeat yourself a few times because he could pick some words up wrong.
Social Context
Non-verbal conversations could be hard to understand if you cannot read the font or because of the colours used in it for example yellow text on a white background will be very hard to read because they are both bright colours. If you want the text to really stand out then it would be better to have a dark font and bright background for example: Black text on a white background or a bright font colour and a dark background like white text and a black background. If you don’t have a clear, neat font then it could also be hard to read so an easy readable document might have a white background, black text colour and the font could be Arial.

Principles of effective communication

Verbal communication is when you communicate with someone using the sound of your voice and they can understand what you are saying by listening to you with their ears and in some cases they use their eyes to lip read but this is not possible if you are using a phone because you will have to rely on your ears which is why sometimes in a phone conversation some things get misinterpreted. You can verbally communicate with someone over a phone because they can hear your voice through the speakers, in person when you are talking to them face to face, when playing a game console and you are talking to people using a microphone or even on the computer using software such as ‘Skype’. Advantages of verbal communication is that you can hear their voice and you know that it is actually them talking because if they were communicating using text via a social networking website then you can never be 100% that it is actually them who you are writing too. A disadvantage of verbal communication could be a language barrier for example if you were on holidays in a foreign country and asked somebody for directions to somewhere they might not understand you because they don’t speak English.

Non-verbal communication is when you communicate with someone without using sound and instead use another source of communication like sign language or text. The person that you are communicating with will not need to use his/her ears during these conversations because everything will be visual. However some people do not understand sign language so it would be hard for them to try and understand what they are trying to say. People who are blind also won’t be able to understand them because they rely purely on their ears why verbal communication would be a lot better for them. Non-verbal communication can also help during verbal conversations because of body language and you will be able to see what sort of mood the person speaking is in for example if someone was speaking to me and they were smiling then I would know that they are happy or that they are ready to laugh.


General communication is the use of language to suit the audience, the way you word your sentences so that the person it is directed to will understand it, questions and answers. You would use general communication skills almost everyday when you communicate with people using all types of communication especially when somebody asks you a question or if you ask somebody else one.


Interpersonal communication is when you communicate with someone using body language, positive or negative language, lip reading and sign language. For example when you watch some programs on television there is a person in the bottom corner that is doing sign language so that deaf people can understand the program. Deaf people can also understand what people are saying by reading their lips while they are talking. Body language also lets the person know how you are feeling for example if they are happy or excited they might jump up and down and move around a lot but if someone is in a bad mood then they might just sit alone and not want to talk a lot to people.

Written Communication
Written communication would be communicating with somebody via a social networking website, texting them from your mobile, email or sending them a letter etc… People will know what mood you are in because people often send emoticons which are often referred to as smileys. They include a lot of faces that can express what mood you are in for example: happy, sad, angry etc… When people are using written communication they often shorten the word this is called ‘text speak’

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Attributes Valued By Employers

The three categories that Skills and Attitudes are Specific,Attributes and General. All skills and attitudes are important in work but some are valued a lot more than others depending on where they work for example if somebody worked in a call centre then the most important skill would be communication skills. Another example is if you were working with computers then you would need good ICT skills more than anything else.

Skills and Attitudes
Numeracy Skills- Numeracy Skills is when you are good with numbers and can work confidently with numbers and are good at solving math equations. An example of a worker that would need these skills would be a math teacher, a cashier or any working place that involves math.

Literacy Skills-Literacy Skills is when you are good with words for example writing stories or using paragraphs when you are writing a story. An example of worker that would need these skills would be an English teacher or an Author.

IT Skills- IT Skills is when you are confident using computers and know what you are doing on them and have a good understanding of applications like Microsoft Office, Adobe flash, Photoshop etc… An example of a worker that would need these skills would be an ICT teacher, a computer programmer or anybody else that had computers in their workplace.

Interpersonal Skills- Interpersonal Skills is when you can interact comfortably with another person without messing up your words or becoming nervous. A worker that would need interpersonal skills would be any person that comes in to contact with people/ customers on a daily basis.

Communication Skills-Communication Skills is when somebody can speak confidently in front of other people and make sure that the listeners don’t feel uneasy and also that he grabs their attention with what he is reading out. A worker that would need Communication skills would be a Lawyer or a Teacher.

Commitment- Commitment is when you are committed to something for example: If someone was to hand you work, you would continue to concentrate on that piece of work and wouldn’t pay attention to any distractions until you have it completed. Commitment in the workplace is key to get a promotion or a better job in the future and your commitment can also help those around you be committed too.

Self-Motivation- Self motivation will let you enjoy work a lot more and you will be motivated and want everything to be done correctly. A lot of people that aren’t motivated in work will think that the day will drag on but if you are motivated then the day will seem to pass by quicker.

Confidence- Having confidence in the workplace will make you want to take on tasks that other workers mightn’t necessarily want to do because they might lack confidence because they are relatively new workers. Having confidence in the workplace will also allow your hard work to get recognized which could result in you get more hours or pay.

Preparation- Being prepared in work will ensure that you are ready for any task that is given to you. This will give you a head start on everyone else and if you are always prepared in the workplace then it will allow you to be a lot more successful in the future.

Organization- If you are organized for coming to work on a regular day then this will allow you to get a bit of extra sleep because you wont have to worry about getting stuff ready in the morning and if you have your workspace neat and organized then it will be a lot easier to find stuff which means you wont have to go looking for stuff because you don’t know where it is.